Jayna started this program because we felt she was very shy and quiet and would not speak up and express herself. What she is learning in karate is helping her be more positive, greater self-esteem and she speaks up when needed to communicate effectively with others.

Karate has taught me how to defend myself and others. In karate I have to be patient and work very hard to get my next belt. I have to pay attention to Sensei and focus on kata so I can learn and get better. Karate helps me pay attention in school. - Michael "As parents we continue to see Michael grow in confidence and self esteem as he progresses through his Karate program. Michael is starting to understand that hard work and dedication is required in anything you do in life, and I believe this comes from his exposure to Karate." - Michael's Dad

Because it is the best dojo around with the most flexibility/variety in classes for adults. The instructors are excellent and they make you feel like you belong and are welcomed.

"The benefits of Jacob we've seen is confidence because he can say his speech in front of people, speak up in show and tell, and say hi to me at school. Jacob shows independence by remembering to read his book, doing his homework, and playing with his little brother. He shows respect by listening to Mom and Dad, and taking turns with ipads and toys. Jacob always has a smile and he is very excited to grade for his ORANGE BELT!"

Recently one of our neighbours had mentioned how respectful Christopher was. When the parent asked Christopher who taught him that level of respect he immediately mentioned us, his parents, but quickly added "I learn a lot about respect at Karate too!" We have always tried to teach Christopher respect, it's nice to know that by him participating in Karate, the Academy of Martial Arts promotes the same values that we try to instil in him each day.

Since I started attending the Academy of Martial Arts, I have had such a great experience. There is such a positive attitude as soon as you step through the doors and everyone is nice. I've been focusing on becoming a black belt more than ever before, something changed and now its more of a need to come to the dojo than a work out, because I want to achieve getting to black belt level. I am a lot more confident than I was before, especially when shouting my kiai, which I used to be shy of shouting in the dojo. I am not as nervous to present my kata in front of the class if necessary because I know that being there will give me a new set of improvements to make my kata better. I am trying very hard to improve my fitness level because I am still learning. Warm up is when I struggle the most because of push ups but part of why I come is to improve on upper body strength. I try my best to make it to the dojo at least two times a week because I don't want to let go of my goal and since I had joined for a team for the tournament I now come about four times a week. I find it a good way to bond with other people in the dojo as well as improve myself. Every time I come with a positive attitude and I am ready for what each class throws at me. I am happy to have found the Academy of Martial Arts because it has a great experience and a hope to a lot more.

Johnathan loves coming to the Dojo. He loves seeing himself progress on getting the different stripes and testing for the next belt level. He realizes -now-, to get things you want you have to work hard. Johnathan takes pride in helping other people especially his younger brother. He loves to get to class early on Wednesdays to play freeze tag with the friends he's made at karate. Johnathan is so proud his team "the thunderbolts" won first place at the tournament this year.

Bibiana is enjoying her karate classes very much. She always walks out with a smile and she talks about her classes in a very positive way. Bibiana definitely gained more confidence and I am very pleased to see happiness from friendships that she made at the dojo. I noticed she gains a lot from positive feedback, because she works harder to get even better. Thanks!

Karate has benefited me in multiple ways, I feel so energized and full of life even after one class. After training I can focus so much better since Karate makes me feel like I belong which is so amazing and that has made me happy. Both martial arts and my parents have taught me to strive for goals and at the moment I'm doing the best I have ever done. I work harder, feel happier, feel stronger. The Martial Arts have helped me so much and has great benefits.

We are fortunate to live in a peaceful time and in a safe community. So why do so many people live in fear? We are afraid of each other, afraid of the future, afraid of ourselves. Modern life can be isolating and all of the sheltering that we have from harsh realities can leave us unsure how or even if we could handle dangerous situations. For me, staying in shape was always a chore. Running laps and lifting weights was about as exciting as brushing my teeth. Being a new parent, I knew that I would have to do something to stimulate my interest in physical activity or I would stop moving. Having children to protect and prepare for the future gave me the push I needed to start training in Karate. Karate is not simply a fitness activity or set of self defense skills, but also a means of personal growth. Karate allows me to face my fears and conquer them. The process of working hard for goals and succeeding gives me a sense of accomplishment. As a parent, I want these benefits for my children, who train with me at home and at the dojo. The dojo also provides a community of wonderful people. As I have gotten more experience, I have had the opportunity to assist in teaching children Karate. Seeing the children grow stronger and more confident while learning skills that could save their life is probably what I love best about being a student of Karate.

I have really enjoyed my training at AMA so far! Not only have I joined my sons and wife, but I feel like part of the AMA family. The environment at the dojo allows students to reach their potential in a safe and encouraging manner. I feel that both my physical abilities and mental concentration has improved and it is fantastic to have another experience to share with the family.

Karate has helped me protect myself and have courage. Also karate has helped me get self discipline. I appreciate how karate has helped me. I know that I appreciate the bravery that I have gained. I like karate because I get new friends. I also like karate because of everything I gained from white belt and up. I like karate because everyone is so nice.

I love training and pushing to meet the physical demands, I love realizing my abilities are growing and my limits are decreasing. I love that I'm more confident and capable now that I've been training. I love the feeling that I have a vast amount untapped personal power. Most of all I love the camaraderie between students, teachers, families, and staff. Everyone is encouraging and awesome to be involved with. I love karate because I love being a part of something so much bigger than myself that is so important to so many people. That's why I love karate.

Thomas shows big difference going back to the first day he started at the Academy of Martial Arts. He is a lot more focused and disciplined at school, he is more responsible with his school work and tasks at home! His behavior and respect towards other people has improved a lot and gained a lot of confidence over the last year! We have noticed that he is not very shy anymore, and participates in a lot more school activities! Thank you so much!

Karolina is always very eager to attend her Karate lessons & to learn new things. Through Karate, Karolina has developed a sense of identity & positive self-image. She strives for quality when she performs work at school and as well at Karate.

We enrolled Braydon in karate on the advice of Miss. Samantha (who we all love) at young minds. We were hoping that it would improve his self confidence and help him overcome his shyness. We have been so impressed with the program and so happy to discover that Braydon loves karate! Braydon has become much more confident and everyone has noticed the difference. He wakes up every morning and asks if it is a "karate day" and is super happy when it is!

Oliver has always sang praises of his karate classes. He wants to be like his siblings in the higher belts. He looks up to them as an individual who is very confident and respectful to others. Upon attending classes this year, I can sense that Oliver is more assertive and doesn't let allow anger to come out in the form of fist or feet fights. He uses his words and is able to control his temper better.

Since starting martial arts two years ago I have seen my son become more confident in himself. He is willing to try new things without the fear of failing. Martial arts have taught him that with hard work and a strong mindset that almost anything is possible. Even if it takes a few times to accomplish a goal, anything worth having is worth the extra effort. Martial arts have also taught him how to take things in stride and how to be a more patient person as well as how to respect others.

Adam enjoys karate very much and he looks forward to his weekly classes. He is more confident and is proud of his accomplishments - each time he earns a new stripe, he shows such excitement and enthusiasm, and understands the relationship between hard work and results. We look forward to his continued development as he progresses to earn his next belt.

(Our son) is very excited to be attending the Academy of Martial Arts. He enjoys his classes and is always practicing at home. As he was bullied at school last year we hoped that the confidence he would gain from martial arts would help him in dealing with aggressive situations. We have been very pleasantly surprised as he has gained composure and confidence in his dealings at school. They bullying has stopped and he is a much ...happier and focused student.
Thank you for a wonderful program.

I like karate because every time I go to the dojo I learn something new. My favorite moves is a lunge punch because it gives me power and I feel like I can do anything. A teisho is also fun to do and it makes me feel like a strong ninja.
Another thing that I like about karate is learning Japanese words; this is awesome! If I ever go to Japan to meet the ninjas I can talk to them. That would be so cool! Katas are like ninja moves to become strong and I like to practice them.
I like getting stripes and new belts because it feels nice to move up belt levels. I have learned lots of new moves but I still have a lot more to learn because I wish to be a black belt one day.

Before enrolling our son into the academy we had found Caleb to be somewhat shy when meeting new kids and working in a group. He would lean on his older brother to make the first move, tell us how things were going, and simply allow his brother to speak for him.
After enrolling Caleb into the Academy of Martial Arts we noticed a huge improvement in this area. Caleb rushes out of class to let us know how he did and what he was learning at the Academy. He now begins to show the other kids how to do certain moves he has learned and is creating a style all his own.
Although he still likes to follow his big brother, he now speaks for himself and adds to the group with his own thoughts and excitement. He has truly come out of his shell and we can see that he is so proud of his accomplishments, as are we.
We would like to thank the Academy of Martial Arts for teaching our son how to use his mind, keep his body strong, and bringing out his beautiful spirit.

Karate has taught me how to defend myself and others. In karate I have to be patient and work very hard to get my next belt. I have to pay attention to Sensei and focus on kata so I can learn and get better. Karate helps me pay attention in school.
Michael's Dad:
As parents we continue to see Michael grow in confidence and self esteem as he progresses through his Karate program. Michael is starting to understand that hard work and dedication is required in anything you do in life, and I believe this comes from his exposure to Karate.

From Noah, age 6:
"When I go to karate I like to see my friends. My senseis are nice and are also sometimes funny. I also like getting stronger."
Noah's parents:
"We love Noah's enthusiasm for karate as well as all that he's learning while having fun - respect, discipline, hard work. In the week(s) leading up to any grading he's focused and works hard with extra practice at home. We know he also likes watching the more senior belts and seeing where he could be one day."

When Isabella first started Karate at the Academy of Martial Arts, she assumed she would be able to achieve a black belt within a few classes. She was very surprised to learn that it would take years of practice to achieve that and even months of practice to achieve her yellow belt. As she approaches her grading class for her yellow belt, she has learned how much time, work and practice is required to earn the things you want in life and that you... can't get everything you want in life as soon as you want it. She has also learned that the practice has to be consistent and multiple times every week. She knows that it isn't sufficient to just work on something when you feel like it and expect to achieve your goals. Beyond this, she also feels that Karate at the school has helped her to feel more ready to deal with problems, has helped her to have fun and has also helped her remember her left side from her right side.

We are so proud of our Caleb, he has "karate chopped" his way out of his shell and is progressing everyday. We have found Caleb more excited to practice his karate weekly and he's becoming more focused on his school work. He's becoming more aware of his accomplishments and he is now becoming proud of himself. This motivates Caleb to push himself further and inspires him to always do his best.
Thank-you to the academy of martial arts for their hard work, we truly appreciate it.

I have already experienced many positive benefits from training at the Port Credit Academy of Martial Arts. The first would be overcoming the fear of trying something new. It certainly was nerve wracking the first few classes - however, with perseverance - things start to fall in place and the journey begins. Along with this comes an increased sense of self-discipline for sticking to it.
I am also finding that my fitness level is increasing with every karate and cardio kickboxing class - this is a great cross training for my long distance running and overall physical strength and conditioning. I see the benefits of training in my son as well and am excited for my daughter to begin as soon as she is old enough to. The confidence and awareness that develops from the self defense training is very important to our family.