Constant And Never-ending Improvement (CANI) is probably best described with the old saying “If you stop trying to become better then you’ll stop being good.”
Henry Ford had a dream of making an automobile affordable enough so that the average American could own one. Was he happy with his car? Yes! Was he satisfied? No! He wanted to produce more of them quickly so that he could reduce the cost and more people could afford them. In order to make the car more affordable he knew that he would have to figure out a way to bring the cost of producing the car down.
Through the combination of some brilliant thinking, a large amount of common sense, and a long series of trials and errors, he succeeded. Thanks to his commitment to Constant And Never-ending Improvement, he revolutionized the way things are manufactured in the world forever.
Whenever you have the attitude of “Happy but never satisfied” you will automatically start looking for a way to improve. This applies to everything from simple chores around the house to complicated projects and, of course, your Martial Arts training. Some simple questions to ask yourself that will help you get into the CANI thinking are:
How can I do this faster?
How can I do this more accurately?
How can I make this more fun?
If Henry Ford, Albert Einstein, or another expert were to do this… how would they do it differently?
PS take the challenge...
Take some time this week is to find one thing that you don’t like to do or are having difficulties with and figure out a better way to do it.
How can you incorporate the attitude of CANI into your daily life?